蛤蜊雞湯 Chicken Soup with Clams

材料 Ingredients
全雞 Whole Chicken1/2 隻 each
蛤蜊1-1/2 磅 lb (675g)
枸杞 Wolfberry 2 大匙 Tbs
薑片 Ginger slice 6 片 slice
鹽 Salt1 大匙 Tbs
米酒 Rice wine1/4 杯 cup
水 Water 8 杯 cup


1.雞肉剁成小塊 (你可叫你的肉商代剁)。枸杞用水沖洗後濾乾。
2.燒開 2/3鍋的水。將雞放進滾水內燙3分鐘﹐水要蓋過雞。倒掉熱水﹐撈出雞用冷水沖洗乾淨。
4.加入枸杞,薑片,酒和鹽調味。將湯煮滾後加蓋轉最小火煮 35分鐘。

1.Cut the chicken into small pieces (You can ask your butcher to do so) . Rinse and drain the wolfberries.
2.Boil a 2/3 pot of water. . Place the chicken into the boiling water for 3 minutes, the water needs to be over the chicken. Take out the chicken and discard the water. Wash the chicken roughly.
3.Return the chicken to the pot and add 8 cups of water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Skim off the foams on top of the soup.
4.Add the wolfberries, ginger slices, wine and salt. Let the soup boil again then cover and cook over the lowest heat for 35 minutes.
5.Skim off the grease on top of the soup.
6.Add the clams. Cover and cook over medium heat until the clams are open, approx. 2 minutes. Discard any unopened clams.

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/09/2015
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